
CP:9 -Pt 2- Dying Hopes

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“Damn it, Sonic…” Rouge swore, stomping a metal heel into the concrete, denting it. “Where could he be?”

“I don’t like this storm…” Cream whined. “It… it gives me a bad feeling.”

Rouge looked out to the clouds that had gathered, completely covering the sky. The wind was getting faster. “It’s called an omen, Cream,” Rouge replied unconsciously, deep in her own thoughts. “We don’t have time for this… let’s go see Tails.” Rouge bolted out of the balcony, carrying Cream as she flew.

“Destruction is coming…” Cream whispered, lower than even Rouge could hear.


The God of Deception…

Held mercy at that of a mortal. A human mortal. The very thought is absurd. Of all people, how could he be the one to harm me?

Because, I am your true master…

I serve no one. Not even Chaos will rule me when I reawaken him. This man, this ‘genius,’ is not my master. I won’t die at his hand!

Swifter than any shadow, faster than the blue hedgehog himself, determination burning inside my metal heart…

I dodged the laser shot.

What?” Eggman roared as the red laser burned into the tiled ground where I once stood.

Still clutching at my chest, I kicked the mortal down to the ground. It wasn’t enough to injure him, but it was enough to give me time. With a slight limp, I dashed as fast as I could to the metal platform where the purple Chaos Emerald sat.

Eggman gasped and he bolted around on his back. With anger and hatred, he pointed a finger at me. “Guards! Destroy that metal bastard, NOW!</b>”

Never have I heard the man scream so loud, never have I heard him so full of rage. This wasn’t like his fights with Sonic… he wanted me dead. He didn’t want to fight me for a challenge. He wanted to fight me to kill me. He’d do whatever it takes.

As soon as the words left the man’s mouth, thousands and thousands of the orange Eggdrones began to swarm around me, wrapping their disgusting arms around my body to slow me down. I slashed at dozens of them, their oil splashing against my face over and over, making it difficult to see.

But there was no end to them. I quickly called out in my mind.

Gods! I need assistance! Get over here, now!

The message would be heard. They will be here soon, but is soon… soon enough?

I continued to trudge through the sea of orange, seeing the metal platform right at my arm’s length… but they continued to pile on top of me, slowing me down more and more. My injury was much worse than I thought. I’ve learned my mistake, and I won’t let it happen again…

If there ever is an “again.”


Betrayal looked out to the city, dark clouds forming quickly over it, destroying any peaceful nature it had once had. Destroy the world for Maria… now is that what she wants? No. Then why does he do it?

The black hedgehog shook his head, feeling tears beginning to form. There’s nothing left for him on this planet… Chaos promised him that he could be with Maria again… that’s all he wants… that’s all he needs. Maria. No one will stand in his way.

“We should get going,” Wrath stood up from the grassy hill. “The last Chaos Emerald… it’s our job to get it.”

Betrayal couldn’t help himself, without thinking he blurted, “And I’ll see Maria again, right?”

Wrath’s blue eyes pierced into Betrayal’s, and he could feel the glare. “You will see her… you’ll be with her,” he responded coldly.

What about Rejection? They all had a reason to gather the Chaos Emeralds… why did she aid them? The female kept her golden eyes distant, and kept her thoughts blocked. Betrayal could read anyone’s thoughts but the gods’ own.

Rejection is indeed a mystery. Her purpose, her reasons, her powers, her origin. Who was she? Just a servant to Chaos? Or was she more than that?

“Come,” Wrath ordered, walking past the two new gods. Suddenly, the robot stopped, and his entire body stiffened. Something seemed horribly wrong. He kept his place frozen, but let out a tiny muttered sentence. “Someone’s here…”

Betrayal took a battle ready position, knowing it took quite a lot to upset Wrath so much. When he heard the voice, his body stiffened as well.

Stop!” a voice screamed from ahead. It was female.

Amy Rose.

Her eyes burned with fire, dripping with tears. Her body was bruised, and her clothes were in tatters. “You’re the ones who killed Sonic…” she whispered, her voice darker than any shadow. “You killed him… your leader attacked me… and stole the Chaos Emerald Sonic gave to me…”

Wrath walked back, stepping in front of the two gods. “Sonic the Hedgehog is dead?” he asked sternly.

The girl’s tears never stopped. “Yes… Tails told me… and then your leader, Deception showed himself. I then found this in the wind when I woke up.” Amy pulled out a piece of paper. Wrath’s note to Cream. “He was sure he had killed me…” Amy gripped her hammer tightly, even more tears sliding out. “…he was wrong.”

She knew everything.

Wrath had a strange look of stun for a moment. “Don’t try and stop us, Amy,” the robot crossed his arms. “Go home, now, or we’ll be forced to finish the job.”

“Emerl…” Amy sobbed, showing her deep sorrow now in her jade eyes. “How? How could you do this? Shadow? You too? Blaze! Why? Why!” she shouted. “Sonic is dead… Sonic is dead.” She looked out to them, eyes pleading. “This is going too far! Please, stop!”

The three gods didn’t flinch.

“You all can’t have a good enough reason to do this!”

None said a word.

Amy fell silent. “You’re not Emerl…” she whispered. “You’re not Shadow, you’re not Blaze.” Her emotions were flaring. “You’re all dogs to a monster.”

Wrath looked back to her. “Leave, Amy.”

Not until I kill you all…” she gripped her hammer, and leaped forward.


The wind was stabbing at her violet eyes, and continued to throw her body around high in the sky. “This is getting bad…” she began to shiver. “This is getting bad…”

Rouge flapped her wings, seeing Tails’ workshop ahead. She had no time! She jumped onto the steps and banged against the door with her fist. Cream tightened her grip around Rouge’s hand.

“Rouge?...” a weak voice was heard past the door.

The bat sighed with unbelievable relief. “Tails! I’m so glad I found you! I-.”

“Go away.”

The girl froze. “T-Tails, please, this is an emergency! I can’t find Sonic and-.”

“Sonic is dead.”

Rouge and Cream lost their breath. “What?”

“Knuckles killed him. Sonic… Sonic is dead.”

The spy couldn’t believe her ears. Knuckles? Killing Sonic? How could that be possible? “Tails, please let us in, we need to talk!” Rouge begged.

“No…” the fox said. “No one else… go away… just go away…”

Rouge and Cream continued to try and persuade Tails, but it was futile. He left, and would not reply after some time.

The bat felt tears forming, and Cream began to cry. They walked out, seeing the horrible black clouds overhead. Rouge sat down, and put her arms around the small rabbit, crying herself now.

It’s completely hopeless…

“Rouge what’s going to happen?” Cream sobbed, trembling in the embrace.

“I don’t know…” Rouge cried softly, still looking up to the sky. “I don’t know what to do…” Sonic was gone. Tails refused to help. Knuckles must have gone insane. Amy is nowhere to be found. Shadow, Emerl, Blaze are all gods…

What can she do?


Amy leaped forward, fire burning brightly in her eyes. She was fighting for Sonic now, and she had nothing left to live for. She would fight until the end for that hedgehog.

“Wrath!” Betrayal cried out, seeing that the robot wouldn’t move. “Get out of the way!”

But he could not. Amy hit the tan god head on, smacking him with her hammer, deep into his side. Wrath flew head first into the ground. “I’ll never forgive any of you!” Amy roared.

That was it, she needed to be stopped.

Betrayal and Rejection charged forward in unison. Amy glided to the side, avoiding an attack from the cat, and then counterattacked with a kick to the goddess’ side. Unfortunately, Amy was not fast enough to dodge the fist that Betrayal threw at her stomach.

While Amy was stunned, Rejection hit the ground hard. In the next moment, a voice entered each of their heads.

Gods! I need assistance! Get over here, now!

“Deception is in trouble?” Wrath echoed in disbelief.

Rejection jumped to her feet at the next instant. “I’ll go. Get the other Chaos Emerald,” she said. Without another word, she raced off into the source of their leader’s distress.

Amy, her breath back, came rushing at the black hedgehog once again. Swinging her weapon, and thrusting kicks in his direction. Betrayal was able to dodge each one, but found it to be difficult. How such a weak girl was giving him trouble, he could never understand.

“Wrath!” Betrayal called out, seeing that the god was doing nothing to assist him.

He held his head down, and did not move. “I’m sorry… I can’t fight her.”

Shadow!” Amy screamed in-between attacks. “Why did you do this? You traitor! You traitor! Bring him back! Bring him back!

Betrayal was getting irritated. His hands were bruising, and she was starting to break through his defense even! The girl continued to knock him back, until he finally found an opening. He used one swift kick, and threw the girl down to the ground. “My name is Betrayal,” he said. “I did this for myself and for Maria. You… you are no concern to me anymore. Sonic is dead.” Betrayal glared into her eyes. “I have to deal with the loss of a loved one as well… what makes you so special?”

Amy said nothing; still looking up at the black hedgehog she had called her “friend.”

“You’re pathetic,” Betrayal could feel the dark powers inside him bubbling up. It was time he tested them out. “Say hello to the faker for me.”

Amy’s eyes widened, and she desperately tried to move to the side, but found it was too late.


Betrayal snapped his fingers, and instantly after, a pool of darkness appeared around Amy. She let out a gasp and froze. It was too late to run now.

The god then gripped his hand into a fist, and the darkness jumped onto her skin. She screamed in fear, and tried with futility to escape, or to detach the substance, but found it impossible.

The strange darkness absorbed into the girl’s body.

Betrayal let out a low laugh. He held his finger over his thumb, waiting to let out one last snap that would finish the girl. “Sonic… I love you,” were the final words heard.


Amy let out an agonizing scream, and her body was enveloped in electricity from the inside out. Her flesh began to burn, and her face contorted into unimaginable pain.

Wrath’s eyes seemed to shine; the girl’s reflection was deep in his sapphire pools.

Betrayal let out a smirk. He was the traitor? No. She and Sonic abandoned him. They were the true traitors. Their deaths would be their punishment.

Amy dropped to the grass, her body smelling of burnt flesh, and her muscles twitching with left over electricity. He had used too much on her. “Guess I don’t know my own strength,” Betrayal crossed his arms.

Wrath was frozen in place, but it was impossible to read him.

“There’s little time…” Betrayal turned his back and walked the opposite way. “We need to get going, Wrath.”

Suddenly stern, the god nodded, and walked away, leaving the hedgehog in the grass to die.

As they left her behind…

A gloved finger tingled, and her stomach twitched.


I can’t live on much longer… the damned Eggdrones are crushing me… all my power won’t go to waste here. I’ll rule the world… I’ll never lose… I’ll never lose…

More energy was flying into my body under the suffocating robots. I won’t die. I’ll prove who the real master is. I will never lose!

I’ll never die!” I screamed, exploding in a sudden burst of emotion. The Eggdrones were scattered across the room as if a toddler had grew bored with his toys. “You have yet to see the ‘true master,’ Robotnik!” I roared, locking eyes with his.

A growl escaped his lips. “You think you’ve won?” he glared at me. “You think that destroying a few Eggdrones has made you a god? You’re nothing, and you’re far from winning.” The doctor held a remote in his hand. “You’ll always be nothing more than a soulless robot.” He pressed a button on it. “Prepare to die.”

As the red button clicked, each of the orange robots began to desert the battlefield. I was still weak, and my wound was still open. I wasn’t about to lose here.

From behind the doctor, two enormous doors opened themselves up, heated steam escaping its metal prison. He obviously hadn’t opened that door for a long time. The tile under Robotnik began to stir, and suddenly lifted into the air, flying deep into the steamed doors.

Moments after, the other robots had fled, and the room had become impossibly quiet. Nothing was heard, and nothing was felt. Apprehension began to wash over me, but I tried to fight it, knowing it would prove as a weakness.

“You call yourself a true master…” Dr. Robotnik whispered from the darkness.

“You call yourself a god...” he continued. “I’ll show you what you’re up against. I’ll tear you apart slowly, and drink in your screams of agony. You weak minded fool.”

He’s just trying to make me fear him. I can’t allow myself to give him the pleasure.

And yet you’re shaking…” he laughed, as if reading my thoughts.

It was true. Fear had made its way through my hard armor. In my weakened state, my legs were trembling ever so slightly.

Dr. Robotnik finally made his way out. With one large step, an enormous silver leg appeared, followed by another. The body revealed itself, and the doctor could be seen through a glass case in the giant’s chest, operating the entire thing. Its arms sprouted out, bulky, but made to be incredibly fast. On top, the head watched my movement’s with its crimson eyes. “Not even a god can stop me!”

I let out a surprised grunt, as the next instant a laser shot into the ground where I had been standing, had I not jumped to the side. Still clutching my wound, I gazed up to the silver beast. It wouldn’t be easy to defeat him…

“You think you can storm into my own base and try and steal my Chaos Emerald?” the genius was furious. “You think you can steal my army and impersonate me? You’ll pay dearly for it, Metal Sonic!” The robot charged forward, leaving crater-like dents after each footstep.

With another grunt, I leaped back, narrowly avoiding a fist from Robotnik’s machine. He didn’t stop there. He threw another punch, and another, each faster than the next, barely allowing me to jump back in time. He pushed me back farther and farther, until I was at the edge of the room.

“Die, you traitorous fool!” he roared, hitting another set of buttons.

Backed against the wall now, the robot opened up two secret compartments on its shoulder, revealing two laser turrets. Without a second to spare, I rolled to the side, seeing the barrage of crimson rain completely destroy the metal wall, leaving behind only sparking wires. I couldn’t find a chance to attack!

Running as far away as I could, I turned my head to look back. The two silver arms were hefted into the air, the bare knuckles aimed directly at me. In the next moment, large spikes appeared and lined the fists. “Yes, keep running, Metal! Try to escape Death’s grasp if you can!” He smashed in an order, and the robot’s arms were shot out.

This is my chance.

Gathering up my strength as the arms plummeted towards me like an explosive missile, I dashed straight for them. “You’re more of a fool than I thought!” Robotnik cackled.

With perfect aim, I jumped over the fist, feeling my armor scraping against its own. Then, as my feet hit the ground, I ducked low so as the next arm would pass over my body harmlessly. There! He was open without those arms! With speed and agility that could only be matched by Sonic’s, I charged at the genius.

Robotnik kept a wide grin across his face.

I extended my claws out, and slashed at the silver armor of the huge robot. Unfortunately, my claws only managed to create light scratches against the beast-like machine. The arms reattached themselves quickly, giving me no time to dodge.

Swatting at me, as if I were nothing more than an annoying rodent, the arm plowed into my side, shooting me across the room. My face planted into the floor, and I could feel the many wires in my stomach sparking with electricity.

A dark shadow found its way over my crumpled body Robotnik clunked his way to me. “Listen to the whispers… Death is already here, and Death shall take you away.
(Still chapter 9 cause I wanted to stop randomly at that point last chapter because I'm a jerk.)


You call yourself a god. You say you know all about emotions, you say you can control them. What happens when you go against someone who knows you better than yourself? You're no god... you're not even a robot anymore... Metal Sonic? No. You can't even copy the blue hedgehog anymore. You're nothing. You're nobody. There's nothing left for you, but to let Death take you away...


The winds are rising, the clouds are darkening, and the screams are agonizing. Who can stop it from coming? Who will bring the destruction to this planet? Will Chaos be here? Or is it just a pointless prophecy? The whispers of Chaos know all... but will they tell it?

Sonic and co. = Sega
Story = Me
© 2006 - 2024 Skyistheguy
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SallyTheRabbit's avatar
wow! O.O that was an amazing chapter, all the fights had me at huge suspense! I'm worried bout amy though ^^; I hope she kicks their butts! XD or convinces em to be good *shruggs* and eggman wooping butt was so awesome! yet again I didn't expect that from my fave doctor ;P awesome chapter sky! :hug: